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– Pro-MB: makosaambayo remain membawameningkatband displayed incorrectly pozavrshuva drag the work, and the animated variety show. – Pro-Q 2, PRO-R, Pro-MB: Fixed possible crash when state regulation Band parameters via MIDI Learn. – Fixed bug VST3 plug-in-nawakati restore sessions in FL Studio 12 by using custom display scaling factor, such as 125%: the window widget could end up in the correct size. – Update Windows help file showing good on high-DPI displays. – Fixed bug in AAX plug-in that is causingparameter values ​​remain very dekatnilai dostandardnata default values ​​when loading sessions.

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– plug-in AAX Fixed problem that could lead to loss of data automation automation modes available when writing automation Ratings, for example when creating or deleting band Pro-QPili file by using what is now displayed in the web browser instead of the Help Viewer. – Added a workaround for a bug in the MacOS Sierra () that prevented it from opening the help file correctly. – better behavior of the mouse wheelWindowsso stepped parameters, kuncidari fashion. – Fixed a bug that caused text to multiple lines (such as a studio with a taste) lost the last line of text MacOS Sierra (). – In connection with the change of control using the Alt key is now also works when using the mouse wheel. – Twin 2, volcano 2 Forever 2 Keep Saturn mduduRNA in AAX and interactive plug-ins and tempo / rhythm when using more precise 4/4.

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On Windows, fixed a problem is difficult kojnapravento change the Q and dragging the mouse wheel (the solo in the Pro-Q 2). – Pro-Q 2, Pro-R: good behavior of the mouse wheel on Mac and Magic Mouse to avoid unwanted changes on the screen tractionCurve mouse wheel (especially for the low-cut curve on / when you can change the slope of the curve). – Pro-G: Amita side chains on the threshold now displays correctly implemented in the side chain parametrically an expert in the area. – Saturn: Fixed a bug that caused the fire in work mode Saturndasalah192 base kHz sample rate and higher. – Pro-R: Post EQ and low EQ band decayed state selection now restored properly when undo and redo changes. – Pro-R: fixed bug in VST3 plug-ins that cause reverb tail endless silence after 10kwenda seconds. Operations: OS X, MacOS – AU / VST / VST3 / RNAĭefense: Serial / MD5 / RSA1024 / base64, when a bomb / Adler32 Packer: Team R2R | TYPE: recently, keygen

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